Prospective families wishing to visit the school should contact the school office, who will make the necessary arrangements with the family liaison officer. on set dates throughout the school year. Please make contact with us either by telephone or by email to register your interest;  02073265898 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our school caters for pupils ages 11 – 19.  The majority of pupils have severe learning difficulty and function within the severe to profound learning difficulties range which lies considerably below age-related expectations. We have a bespoke, personalised and ambitious curriculum which is tailored to meet our pupils’ very specific needs and ensure that they are able to make the best progress towards their EHCP outcomes, academic targets and in their personal development.

We pay great attention to the views of parents and carers, where possible the pupil themselves, and the advice provided by professionals who know and have assessed the level of need.

We welcome visitors to the school and recommend that parents and carers come and visit us. The local authority is responsible for making decisions around admission and placements to the school but we will always be honest and will say if we are not the right provision for any individual.​

Information about the Local Authority's SEN admissions can be found here. For information on Post 16, please contact the school directly.

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