Our Sixth Form is highly personalised to the long-term outcomes of the individual, as identified in the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) and through transition/adulthood planning.  The sixth form pathway offers a range of experiences by applying classroom learning to ‘real life’ situations.  Applied learning opportunities are fundamental to the sixth form, allowing pupils to gain first-hand life skills and experience whilst developing confidence and independence.  Community links, enterprise and work experience opportunities underpin the drive for pupils to succeed in adulthood.
We have high expectations and want all our young people to achieve and progress during this final stage of their journey at Heron.  There will be continued focus on Maths and English skills, as well as all pupils working towards a blend of accreditations, including:
  • Arts Awards
  • Rebound therapy Awards
  • ASDAN Personal Progress Entry Level Diploma  
  • Duke of Edinburgh
  • Swimming awards 
Some pupils may also undertake qualifications specific to their career choice, such as food hygiene. The curriculum's annual review ensures that we can best meet the pupils’ needs.
A few pupils outside of Post-16 classes will remain within a mixed key stage group. Key Stage 4 learning pathway, with additional bespoke opportunities included in their learning to prepare them for adulthood.  We aim to provide as many options and choices as possible, ensuring our pupils a range of destinations and opportunities.  

aqa  winstrada   artsmark asdanTeamTeach  cenmacdaily mile dog mentoringmakaton LAMBETH_FUTURE_FIT_SCHOOLS_NETWORK.pngDuke of Edinburgh Award | Hartsdown AcademyRights Respecting School Award