Our aims, values and ethos are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, creating an environment that helps our pupils become confident, happy citizens.

Heron Academy is a place where pupils flourish. We put the pupil's needs at the heart of everything we do. Providing lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Our aims

Together with external agencies, we will:

  • Understand and use each pupil's EHCP to remove barriers to learning so everyone has access to the curriculum they deserve
  • Provide chances for pupils to discover and explore their interests, identity and potential with an enriched curriculum
  • Equip pupils with emotional literacy, practising the skills needed to understand and manage their feelings
  • Prepare children for later life – developing independence, healthy minds and healthy lifestyles by encouraging physical activity

aqa  winstrada   artsmark asdanTeamTeach  cenmacdaily mile dog mentoringmakaton LAMBETH_FUTURE_FIT_SCHOOLS_NETWORK.pngDuke of Edinburgh Award | Hartsdown AcademyRights Respecting School Award