At Heron Academy we work together to support pupils through planned programmes to ensure they receive the relevant careers information, advice and guidance that is suitable for their age and ability by implementation of the 8 Gatsby Career Benchmarks, written by Sir John Holman, a former Headteacher and founder of the National STEM Learning Centre.  

The 8 benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools in providing pupils with the best possible careers education, information, advice and guidance. In the report he identifies what 'good' looks like and outlines a framework of eight benchmarks that schools can use to improve their career guidance system.

gatsby benchmarks

aqa  winstrada   artsmark asdanTeamTeach  cenmacdaily mile dog mentoringmakaton LAMBETH_FUTURE_FIT_SCHOOLS_NETWORK.pngDuke of Edinburgh Award | Hartsdown AcademyRights Respecting School Award